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ISSN 1731-0083
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Pol J Cosmetol 2008, 11(2): 140-147pl,enadd to cart

Assessment of the aesthetic results of gynecomastia´s surgical treatment

Bogusław Antoszewski 1/, Anna Kasielska 2/, Julia Kruk-Jeromin 1/

1/ Klinika Chirurgii Plastycznej, Rekonstrukcyjnej i Estetycznej KCh Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
2/ Indywidualny Tok Studiów w Klinice Chirurgii Plastycznej, Rekonstrukcyjnej i Estetycznej KCh Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi

Introduction. Gynecomastia is defined as the enlargement of male breast. Treatment of patients with gynecomastia includes surgical breast reduction.
Aim. The aim of this research is to assess aesthetic results of surgical treatment of gynecomastia.
Material and methods. The results of surgical treatment of gynecomastia were assessed in a group of 37 males who were treated surgically because of gynecomastia in the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Medical University of Lodz, Poland in years 2001-2007. Assessment of the results of surgical treatment was conducted on the basis of follow-up examination minimum 6 month after the surgery. Before the operation breast´s size and its symmetry were evaluated, and during the follow-up examination after the surgery we analyzed: breast´s size, its symmetry, shape and symmetry of nipple-areola complex, and visibility of scars. Each of the four mentioned items were assessed with 0,1 or 2 points; 0 meant a good effect and 2 - a bad effect.
Results. Final assessment of the aesthetic results of the surgery showed that in more than half of the examined patients (19; 51,4%) the effect was described as good (Fig. 1) and in the rest the effect was satisfying. None of the patients obtained more than four points, therefore no unsatisfying results were observed.
Conclusions. Surgical treatment of gynecomastia is associated with good aesthetic results if operative method is adequately chosen to breast´s size. The best effects are obtained in case of small and medium breasts.

Key words: gynecomastia, surgical breast reduction, aesthetic effect